Saturday, March 12, 2011


2012 似乎和 "世界末日" 这四个字画上了等号..

现在, 是早上6点了.. 乱 还没有睡觉, 不是失眠, 其实已经很累了, 很困了

不过, 很想完成今天要写的主题

昨天, 日本8.9级的地震,  死亡人数,  失踪人口,  汽车被河流冲走, 道路崩裂
在面书上, 有着不同的图片, 视频 还有类似的报道, 一直在update着
我们, 除了给予关心和心理默默的支持以外, 也希望, 悲剧会到此为止
日本的地震, 让人们都觉得2012真的就快要到来了
也让我们再次的觉得, 人的力量, 是很眇小的
(其实, 我并不这么认为, 我希望可以写出自己对2012的看法)

有一篇报道, 美国国务院已经证实2012年世界末日的来临
实实在在的写出从2010大大小小的天灾, 甚佳还描述着有些国家在建造诺亚方舟, 金融危机, 外星人, 等等的新闻, 最荒谬 也是最好笑的是 外星人会在2012后帮人类收拾残局
我, 没有share这篇报道, 也没必要
我只是回复了 "NONSENSE" 这一句..
如果说, 人类的灭亡, 是什么天灾, 不如说, human leading himself to the end of the world, 是人类导致的 2012 (世界末日)
今天, 去打包, 有位aunty大声的讲, 世界末日咯, 有的吃,就吃..
还有, 朋友跟我说, 世界末日 咯.. 我决定, 把剩下的时间都拿来玩DOTA

甚至, 还有人自杀 的新闻报道
什么MAYA calender, Bible 还是 出名的ONLINE Forecasting 的网站 (曾经看过一个与2012相关的视频)都指出2012, 12月,21日, 就是世界末日

其实, 我更想表达的是, 不要在还没有到2012前就自我毁灭了
他们的想法, 就好比2012还没到来,他们已经死了..
我的意思是, 那种自我颓废而无能为力的想法, 扼杀了他们对人生继续生存的意志
也开始, 没有那股追求欲望的动力了..
因为, 就仅仅的觉得, 即使再怎么努力的追求,
任凭,我们那眇小的力量, 也改变不了2012的事实

日本,正处于Tsunami and earthquake 的灾难的同时,
看似 是中国人吧, 有不少人的回复
你不给予一些些的同情心,也请你不要落井下石, 可以吗?
Japanese never begging for your helps if you are not willing to contribute your sympathy to the victims
however, please don't fucking throw the stone when they are now facing the natural disaster
actually, as a malaysian, we should be glad that our country is free from the natural disaster like earthquake
somehow, we never appreaciate it and blame it on our own country about the politics issue
we shall thankful that at this moment, we still alive while we watching those victims are now suffering for their loss
may be, now i can't help a thing, but i believe, in the future, when i have the ability, while i still alive
i willing to do the best to help the victims, in term of monies or anything that might helps

and a research says, the end of the world not longer in 2012, but in 2011 May
that's mean before i goes to UK for my top up degree
is that possible? i hope it's not

2012 对乱而言

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Live Concert - Jay Chou vs Justin Lo (侧田) and Linkin Park

最近,在面书 都可以看到周杰伦演唱会的片段
超High的 ~ 超爽的 ~ 我差点喊到暴喉
虽然,其他的朋友 静静的坐着 静静的欣赏
我就不管了 尽情的high一番
没有荧光棒 , 没有关系 , 我还有我双手.. put your hands up and never put it down
有些画面, 还历历在目, 尤其是3D的效果
至于嘉宾, 有 LARA, Yuan Yong Lin, Gary (from taiwan), 浪花兄弟
最喜欢哪一 part?
emm.. 应该是.. 酷酷的 杰伦, 在最后一首歌 "开不了口" (before Encore part)
他突然, "我的演唱会, 这个舞台前面应该是站满观众的!"
坐在前面的观众, 都冲上前去, 当时, Body Guard 还去 block 这那些疯狂的歌迷
Jay "不要挡着我的歌迷!"
型爆的 Jay Chou!
就可以看到, 台下挤满了他的歌迷
可惜, 我的位子太远了, 不然我也冲上前去

如果, 问我,
Jay Chou 和 侧田的演唱会, 那个比较好?
也只能说, 不同的感觉
依然 还记得, 3年前..侧田的演唱会,
唱现场的侧田, 我敢讲 没有哪个歌手可以比得上侧田
虽然,  JayChou 在Live 有走音, 等等..
但, 确实high 爆了现场, 还有人去理什么走音吗?
侧田唱Live 就好像你听CD 一样好听

如果说, 除了他们两个

有让我毫无疑虑的, 一定是 Linkin Park 的 Live Show
可惜, LP 根本就不回来马来西亚,
有机会, 一定要去 Linkin Park 的 live 演唱会

this is Numb from Linkin Park
this video was in his concert at Texas during year 2003
at that time, he still can scream loud like no one could do that,
somehow, after his throat surgery
his voice become weaker
you can check his older video on youtube, i think year 2003 or something
just to compared his voice between now and the older time
somehow.. Linkin Park is still the best band ever in this world
no one can defeat them, unless themself
I love Linkin Park Jay Chou and Justin Lo

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ruan 25

just simply thank to my buddies, take me to YUAN steamboat at 26 FEB and then sing k in sunway Redbox, these buddies always with me during my birthday, feel glad to be with you guys
secondly, the early celebration at 25 of FEB, a movie with 3 ladies, thank for accompany me that time in midvalley, even thought they need to take KTM come to midvalley, afterward they working hour, they rushed to KTM to meet me, i felt touch when i saw them running to me, we are actually late for our movie, i insist to wait them and we go to cinema together, later, we went to kepong for eating steamboat, and then, yen yen bring us to sing k in KBOX. thank for buy me the whole day's bills
then, this is the good day for me 27 of FEB, my actually Birthday date
so as usual, this day is waiting for DREX
originally, i was dating her, for a lunch
but she was rushing back to hometown for some important matter
at the early morning, i mean afternoon
me, kenny and ming shi went to our dear friends' Convocation
however, we seem a bit late and most of them are leaving
siew teng and poh keong were waiting for us and go for a lunch
once we reached the OneWorld Hotel, we met hong weng yen and joodee
after stay around 1 hour at the Hotel, taking some pictures, chit chat and meet some friend there
we decided went for a lunch at 1Utama
and kenny was suggested to go Clubbing at night time

after discussed with all of them, most of them are ON tonight
is a really happy night to me, and i really feel tired these few days
thank for you guys spend the time with me
i'd really appreciated what you guys done for me
no pictures at this moment
may be,
the best memory of us were captured in our head, our mind
clean and clear on our head

hope we can capture the time
so we will not let the time pass easily
i mean, the happy, or sad time of us
i like our friendship, i like you guys to be my friends, i like everything you guys done for me, thank!

as i say as usual, i don't like the surprise, i like surprise my friend xD


last week, my friends and i, 7 of us went to an interview
a contractor firm name Conlay
2 of us are interview as permenant staff and work as office QS
and the rest of us, intended to work for 2 months before going to UK
earn some pocket money and don't want to waste the time just hangging in the house
our expected salary were 2000, not so much actually
since, i have the site experience for 1 year (almost 1 year lah xD)
i believe, 2000 is worthwhile for me, and i believe i could make contribution to the company
during the interview, quite relax as the Senior GM is nice to talk to
middle of interview, a GM came into and interrupt our interivew, his name LEONG
and then the BIG BOSS also come in and brief us the "History" of their company
actually, we are interesting to work with them, because they do not mind we just work for 2 month
this actually is my friend introduce to me, saying them need a lot of Fresh graduate work for them,
do not mind we just work for 2 months
after that, 3 of them (GM Leong, Senior GM, and BIG BOSS) need to discuss the detail of our work location and etc, so we had to leave the meeting room and waiting their discussion
while waiting, 3 of us decided to work in Johor site, as before, they agreed if we work outstation, will giving us some more allowance to us
since we need earn more money, we agreed to work in Johor site
later on, GM Leong ask us to come in to the meeting room again,
Leong discuss the site location to us and brief us some information about their site
at the last, the most and crucial part is, the salary or their so called "allowance" to us
i'm so surprised that, how could a Contractor company will offered low price to us
it's only 800, frankly to say it, it is really not enough to cover our living cost
additionally, even work as a trainee during diploma, which my friend work in construction site for main contractor, they also gained 1000
aren't we worse than the trainee?
Leong say, it's very fair to both party, since we are not the permanent staff neither the trainee, so they offered us 800 as allowance, seem they offered  the trainee less than 800 (sound reasonable)

i actually told to them, i have about 1 year site working experience, if compared with others
that time, i gain at least 1.6k, plus LRT transportation, phone allowance
i not really happy with their offer, just thinking that, they need some low cost labour to work with them, just like us
of cause, first we say our opinion that, 800 is not enough for us, and we intended to counter offer as 1500
for me, 1500 really is nothing to me, my bottom line is at that time, i already rejected this offer
Leong said, will let us know on monday about the allowance and the working location
no doubt, on monday, the reception dial to me and wake me up from bed
i double confirm to her, the allowance that they given were 1500
and i reply her that i need time to reconsider, and would give her a call at 2pm
around 12, Leong gives me a call, speaking chinese this time
he required me to give him an answer immediately
i felt that i have been forced to work with him
and the allowance that they offered to me, is not actually what i want
therefore, i rejected
same to my friends, Conlay calls one by one, and surprisingly all of them rejected
may be, they are affected by me

let's see,
earning the money really not a easy job as we think
we're actually required to work like a DOG even we are paid 800 as allowance
we need to live in a luxurious life, we have to pay our effort to achieve it
we have to scarify our time to fulfll it
nowadays, most of the company will "tam" to the fresh graduate, DON'T mind the low salary, it's the time for you to learn as much as possible, if you work more, the knowledge of learning will be your assests
i never decline this sentence, somehow, at least when we are put the much effort for your company, we are hoping you treat us fairly, in term of salary and allowance that you give to us
i'm so sure that now the construction line need a lot of new blood like us
regardless the hot weather, work like a cow for them, and the salary is low to medium
that's the idea of a boss
no right or wrong, in the point of view, they can recruit some fresh blood like us who are willing to learn and work with them, they provide us an environment to learn and see how the construction line
and for us, we really can learn during we working in construction site
for me, salary is not the most important issue, the main issue is, what can i learn in your company, i don't have much time to waste in your company, indeed

i don't want to be a loser, no one likes to
now, it's the turning point to me, a milestone which i start to transform a student life to become an employee
i should do this at my ealry age, actually
recently reading a book, name "self made millionnaire" (not really remember the book name)
the author, start running his business at the age of 13
his father also a millionnaire, his mindset totally different with the normal and average people
for him, earn few million in a year is not a difficult thing
he stressed one important point, the hungry to success and passion to achieve your goal
this is what i really need now
i don't know how to become a success person, may be, i can read from the book like this
learn the attitude like a millionnaire, may be it is still not late to read
the author, read these book while he is young, mostly in primary school
okay, stop this topic, as it getting longer

luan 写 on my blog